Our vision is to have a state that respects fully Human Rights.
AVP’s Mission:
To promote and protection of Human Rights through social justice, sustainable development,
AVP set itself the following five objectives:
- To promote the pillars of peace which are: Social justice, mainly tolerance and fighting against impunity, Democracy and Development.
- To eliminate the factors of division that undermines our society;
- To constitute a collective for the protection of human rights and of citizen;
- To rescue people in danger, victims of war and other natural disasters;
- To develop friendly
relationships with other national and international Organizations pursuing the
same Objectives.
Defence of human right
Denunciation of cases of violation of human rights.
Alerting Rwandan authorities and international community about the violation of any type of human rights and calling upon them to put an end to this practice.
Ender the project of “Legal and judicial assistance “AVP done assistance to destitute people in different Provinces of the country, Most of beneficiaries were women and children.
Promotion of human rights
- Conferences-debates in secondary schools and universities about the culture of peace
- Translation and popularization of
the international human rights conventions
- Production and publication of the message related to the promotion of the culture of peace in “Kinyamateka” newspaper
- Sensitization of the population on women and child rights by cultural activities and popularize the law on succession and liberality as part of the empowerment of women
- Sensitization on Gacaca jurisdiction by drama and cultural activities. This encourages people to attend the Gacaca jurisdiction and to give their support to the jurisdiction. In particularly women who participate in the sensitization was Judge in Gacaca jurisdiction “Inyangamugayo”.
- Production of weekly broadcasted programs on the promotion of the respect of human rights
- The Project of “Building peaceful cohabitation
of the Rwandese population by socio-economic and cultural integration of
released prisoners, those who have made the TIG and the survivors of 1994
Genocide against the Tutsi”.
Social humanitarian action
Material and moral assistance to the victims of war and politico-ethnic disturbances before the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi, living in the areas of Kibilira, Bigogwe and Bugesera.
Contribution to the repartition and resettlement of Rwanda refugees. Indeed since 1993, AVP intensified sensitization campaigns about the resettlement of Rwandan refugees. And after the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi and the years thereafter, Rwanda experienced a massive repatriation of refugees of various categories. AVP continued to sensitize the population about the culture of peace, tolerance, unity and reconciliation.
Technical, material and financial assistance to the action aiming for social promotion and the fight against social conflicts.
Way forward
AVP will continue the activities in line with the tree areas of intervention and multiply the actions in order to obtain the change that it has set in its objectives.