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Building peaceful cohabitation of the Rwandese population by socio-economic and cultural integration of released prisoners, those who have made the TIG and the survivors of genocide.

2018-01-18 06:26:14 Or Live since: 7 Yrs 4 Mths ago
The first phase was funded by Belgium Embassy (2007-2010), the second phase was funded by Fetzer Institut located in USA (2013-2014) and the third phase is funded by RGB –UNDP since 2014 until now.The overall goal of this project is: To contribute to strengthening the unity and reconciliation of the population, conflict prevention through awareness of the groups of people most affected by the consequences of the genocide are genocide survivors, released prisoners and those who have made ​​the TIG
Since 2007, AVP has conducted three phases of the project “Building peaceful cohabitation of the Rwandese population by socio-economic and cultural integration of released prisoners, those who have made the TIG (Travaux d’Intérêt Générale) and the survivors of genocide”. This project was implemented in 7 Districts in 40 Sectors. It brings people together to engage in a spirit of working together without any consideration of their dark past.

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Human Rights work:

Political rights, women and child rights, socio-economic rights andpeaceful coexistence. Main activities of the Organization include the promotion of human rights through the sensitization by broadcasting radio program, providing magazines for students in elementary schools and educating peoples about principles of human rights, training of population on conflict management toward a social positive change.

Date published: 2018-01-18 11:06:10 Or Live since: 7 Yrs 4 Mths ago

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